Sunday, November 15, 2009


My cop friend emailed me this story from the cop blog... keep reading if you want to be infuriated!

A BIG Part of the Problem
But the City Council just can't help themselves:

After an emotional appeal from a straight-A student facing deportation in 33 days, a City Council committee agreed Friday to champion the cause of Rigo Padilla and others caught in the switches while awaiting immigration reform.

On Jan. 18, Padilla was driving home from watching a football playoff game on TV after having a few beers with friends when he was arrested. He was charged with driving under the influence after being accused of rolling through a stop sign.

There was a designated driver that night, but Padilla said he had dropped the friend off before getting behind the wheel for the eight-block drive to his own home.

So again, how are this illegal alien's bad choices worthy of even a second of the City Council's time? Isn't the City almost bankrupt? Isn't the mayor laying off workers left and right? Isn't industry fleeing the City and conventioneers abandoning Chicago at record levels? Hasn't Chicago's unemployment rate topped 12 or 13%? Yet our City Council is going to "champion" this cause? And (wonder of wonders), this illegal wants to become a lawyer?


  1. It is not politically correct to have borders any more. Everyone is welcome in America. Free money, green cards, education and health care. Come enjoy the spoils of a democratic presidency.

  2. And any illegal alien who belongs to a street gang who regiesters more than 100 new Democratic voters will also get to stay in the protected city of Chicago.

    This country as well as this city is so screwed up it is unreal.

    A cash strapped city and education board and we want to keep spending MILLIONS of DOLLARS on the benefits and education of people here illegally.

  3. I emailed Ginger to complain about the city council's stance on this issue. I think if more would do so it could help.

  4. Sue the city for giving aid to a known criminal. dui, illegal alien, no license? probably not insured or has a city sticker and draining our tax base so that the ones who actually pay taxes are left with NOTHING!

  5. I bet the 911 terrorists are hoping to be tried here rather than New York. Think of the deal they could get here? 50 alderman to champion these misunderstood, illegal aliens!
