Saturday, November 21, 2009

Come Join us at Daley Plaza - Saturday, Nov. 28th at 9:00 AM

Dear Friends of the Holy Family:

Given intense media publicity, you may be aware the City of Chicago, because of falling tax revenue this year, discontinued their longtime practice of building an enormous “Holiday Tree” in Daley Plaza composed of dozens of smaller trees. Reports indicate the annual cost, including labor, to have been about $300,000. Instead, the city has erected a tree donated by a suburban family which is much smaller. Public reaction has been dismal. Police have already dubbed it “The Charlie Brown Tree.”

We are pleased to announce we are not reducing our commitment to honor the Christ Child. Please join us Saturday, November 28th, in Chicago’s Daley Center Plaza at Dearborn and Washington Streets, when we will again erect our life-size Nativity Scene. Construction will begin at 9 a.m. and the “God Squad” in action is a sight to behold.

There will be a brief rededication ceremony at 10:30 a.m. Among the participants will be a bell choir from Santa Maria del Popolo Parish, Mundelein, IL. If you are unable to come down at that time, please try to visit our nativity scene before December 26th, when we must take it down. If possible, please take your children or grandchildren to visit this magnificent display.

As always, there are considerable yearly expenses involved in erecting and maintaining our Nativity Scene. Any donation you would care to make to help offset these expenses would be deeply appreciated. They may be sent to the Nativity Scene Committee at the address below. Your past generosity has been of great help and most heartening. Your support of this display will help remind our fellow citizens that it is Christmas, not just the “holidays.”

May the Christ Child bless you and your loved ones this Christmas and always.

Jim Finnegan & Terry Hodges

1 comment:

  1. Anything for you, Jim... Thanks for the info, and anything we can do to help a MTG cause, or a cause that a MTGer is behind we are behind!
