Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Unverified black Friday sale verified as BS

UPDATE: After about 3 minutes of looking into this "Black Friday Sale" it was just another hoax by one of the moronic retards who likes to sit in his mom's basement and weakly attempt to get back at those bigger, tougher kids who picked on him all throughout high school! Apologies to our readers for having to put up with this moron. We all know the type... So just ignore the little bitch and he will ultimately go away... They ALWAYS do! And if you see him, feel free to administer a noogie/wedgey/swirley just to bring him back to the good old days!


  1. Well folks, looks like this wasn't the only post made by this person. His IP address matched another post made at one time on this blog that wasn't published. THAT post even involved a threat. So listen up sonny, EVERYTHING is documented and will be turned over to my good friend who is in the D unit. Hopefully someone at the Citgo will want to prosecute if not, still have your threat. I don't take shit from young Tommy I will be damned I take any from a punk like you!!
    Thanks for the help Jim McMahon, now I can track this a**hole and the computer hes using. Now for everyone else, GET TO BLOGGIN!!!

  2. What the hell happened? I was out of town a few days.
