Monday, November 9, 2009

Speeding ticket?

No problem... hit the link here and read how you can beat it! Now if we could figure out how to deem red light cameras and breathalyzer machines unreliable my life would be a WHOLE lot easier!,0,7869040.story


  1. Its nice to know how to get around tickets but how about not speeding to get around getting them instead of using an excuse. This is proven technology throughout the country yet in Cook County and the City they are to cheap to spend the money on a Fry hearing that would prove this.

    Let's start posting about the problems like the kid trying to get kidnaped in our area instead of acting like crying liberals and getting away with breaking the law

  2. Speed limits are bad for the economy and bad for my blood pressure. Ever notice how drivers in the suburbs drive the limit and aggravate everybody behind them, while those in the city drive a more reasonable (faster) speed and still get where they're going in one piece?

    While I'm on this topic, why do we need four way stops on virtually every corner in Mount Greenwood? That's bad for my blood pressure and bad for my brakes. But I guess that's the only thing our alderman can actually deliver.

    Finally, don't get me started on all the minivan-driving soccer moms on their cell phones.

  3. yes, even the Stop Signs have political connections, like on Talman from 107th to 103rd St, on every block, annoying, outdated , gas wasting bullshit. Half the stop signs in Mt. Greasewood are unnessary, like half of the Mt. Greenwood Yard-Billys are.

  4. Hey, 6:15, if you feel something is worth posting about, please feel free to post about it. Everyone has gotten a ticket that may or may not have been deserved. But whether deserved or not everyone strives for that euphoric feeling of knowing the cop didnt show up, or there was a clerical error and the ticket was dismissed or (god forbid) THE REASON WAS VALID AND THE JUDGE BELIEVED YOU! In these times every nickle, dime and quarter counts. And if I can help someone around and in 60655 keep an extra C-note in their pocket by letting them in on a loop hole, Im gonna do it! And if by helping my neighbors save some scratch instead of donating hard earned money to Daley/Stroger/Blago (or whoever corrupt machine gov we have down there) Im a liberal THEN CALL ME TED KENNEDY!!! This isnt the cop blog, son, so you wont find unending support of ridiculous money making propaganda... What you will find is a site that will help the residents of 60655 get by any way we can! And if you dont like it, go elsewhere. Thats all I have got to say on the subject.

  5. You know what, YOU ARE AN IDIOT! Although I respect your right to have a different opinion, you are on thin THIN ice! Your comment has been deleted!Any more bully type rants will result in your suspension from this blog! And get your own G-D tag line! Now... GET TO BLOGGIN!!!

  6. Absolutely!

    We should all have the right to drive 35 mph down Central Park. What could go wrong?
