Saturday, January 16, 2010

Who Has a Case of the Winter Blues???

A good scotch can take the edge off the Winter Blues, or watching young Tommy shoveling my drive-way because my back "was hurting" and my NEW snow thrower was broke (wink wink) but what have the rest of the good people of Mount Greenwood been doing??? Anyone see a good movie lately? Any good T.V shows worth mentioning? Hear any good jokes? Anyone get lucky this weekend? (just kidding Mtg.Cutie) Open post to see what you people are doing during this winter season. Now, for God sakes, GET TO BLOGGIN!!!


  1. Greetings everyone, just been relaxing, watching some movies,going out with friends and TRYING to stay warm, like everyone else.

  2. This one's special for you Boss.

    A boy is sitting on the porch with his Grandpa. Grandpa grabs a beer from the cooler, pops it open and takes a drink. The boys asks, "Can I try that Grandpa". Grandpa asks, "Can your d##k touch your a##hole". The boy says no. "Then your too young to drink beer" says Grandpa.

    Pretty soon Grandpa lights a cigar. "Can I try THAT, Grandpa". The old man replies, "Can your d##k touch your a##hole". The boy says no. "Then your too young to smoke cigars" says Grandpa. The boys storms off through the front door. Almost in tears, because he is so disappointed.

    Moments later the boy comes back out to the porch with a plate of cookies and sits back down next to Grandpa. Grandpa leans over and asks, "Can I have one of those". The boys asks, "Can your d##k touch your a##hole". Grandpa says, "You bet your sweet ass it can". The boy says, "Good, go fu#k yourself, Grandma made these for me"........................

    I'll be here all week. Don't forget to tip your waitress

  3. Boss, The Book of Eli is a good new movie. See it, you'll like it, especially the ending.

  4. Anybody doing anything for MLK Day?

  5. Almost nearly spit up my scotch reading that J.O.B!!

  6. Damn right I'll be doing something on MLK day. I'll be thinking of what has happened since then. Now don't get me wrong, I can hate as good as anybody, but when you REALLY think about it, Martin Luther King was a great man. All that dude ever wanted was total equality. The ability for black kids to get into a good school if they study hard enough. The ability of black men and women to get good jobs, if they work hard enough. Rights to vote, so on and so forth. I have some issues with the black people in this country, and I have a weird feeling that if MLK were still alive, he would too.

    UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!! BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Gaines Adams was found dead today at the age of 24. In case you need refreshing, he is the defensive end that we got from Tampa in exchange for our second round pick in 2010. So if the management, and decision making were'nt bad enough. Just throw in some bad luck, to boot.
    R.I.P. young man............

  7. MLK Day? Whats that? We don't celebrate that here in Mt.Greenwood. It's an Irish Community.

  8. 3 Brits are in a bar when they suddenly notice an Irishman sitting on the other end. So the first Brit walks over to the Mick, taps him on the shoulder and says "I hear your St. Patrick was a Faggot!"

    "Oh really? I didn't know that." said the Mick.

    Puzzled, the Brit walks back to his buddies and says, "I told him St. Patrick was a faggot, and he didn't care." The second Brit replied, "You just don't know how to set him off. Watch this." So the second Brit walks over to the Mick, taps him on the shoulder and says, "Hey, I hear your St. Patrick was a tranvestite faggot!"

    "Oh really? I haven't heard that." said the Mick.

    Completely shocked, the Brit walks back to his buddies. "You're right, he won't budge." The third Brit says "I'll really piss him off, just watch." So he walks over to the Mick, taps him on the shoulder and says, "Hey, I hear St. Patrick was really an Englishman."

    The Mick replies, "Yeah, that's what your buddies were trying to tell me."

  9. Went to the Boat Show today at McCormick Place to beat the Winter blues. $19.00 to park, $20.00 for two tickets, $15.00 for two pizza slices and two cokes. This will be my last visit to McCormick Place for awhile.

    The boat show was the smallest I've ever seen -- about a THIRD the size of past shows. The economy is in worse trouble than we know. Keep voting Democratic!

  10. Hey Boss, I don't know if it's just me or if it's everybody, but I have to submit every comment twice before it actually goes through.

  11. True, St. Patrick was not Irish.

  12. it happens to me too

  13. An Englishman, a German, an American, and a Mexican jump on to a life raft when their boat starts to to sink. After realizing it's a one-man life raft they start trying to decide who should jump overboard.
    The Englishman stands up and says, "Long live the queen!" Jumps into the water and drowns.
    The German stands up and says, "Heil motherland!" Jumps into the water and drowns.
    The American stands up and says, "Remember the Alamo!" And pushes the Mexican over.

  14. A burglar breaks into a house he's been casing for a few days. He goes right for the Master bedroom where the safe is. He loads up his bag with expensive jewels and cash. On his way out he spots a new 42' flat screen on the wall. He unhooks it, and starts heading down the hallway.

    All of the sudden he hears 'Jesus is watching'. He stops and looks around. The house is pitch dark, and he doesn't see any shadows, so he continues down the hallway.

    Again he hears, 'Jesus is watching'. He sets the T.V. down and turns on the nearest light switch. He looks around and sees nothing except a parrot in the corner. He asks the parrot "Was that you?". The parrot says "Yep".

    Relieved, the burglar sits down on the arm of a couch at the end of the hall. He's sweating and his heart is racing. After a minute he starts to calm down. He asks the parrot "Whats your name little guy?". The parrot says "Killer". The burglar busts out laughing. After he composes himself, he asks the parrot "So, what kind of asshole would name a parrot killer?". The parrot says "Probably the same asshole that would name a Rottweiler Jesus"................

  15. What do Dale Earnhart & Pink Floyd have in commom?

    They both had big hits with the wall.
