Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Mr. President???

It has such a nice ring to it! And what a message our conservative brothers in the most liberal state in the union have sent to this lame duck President! Hell, if the liberals cannot win in Massachusetts, where in the hell can they win? Ted "the liberal lion" Kennedy is looking up in a place that's really REALLY cold right now and wondering what the hell went wrong... Well, Teddy, it's a little thing called KARMA! Looks like people are going to actually have to work and pay for their own god damn health insurance rather than sticking their hand out and expecting ME to pay for it! I didnt work my ass off for over 30 years to pay for some lazy, fat, newport smoking, cheeto eatin, no job havin, welfare suckin assholes's insurance!!! I usually dont get much riled up about national politics, but this has me goin good! Im happy as a democrat in the unemployment line! God speed, SENATOR Brown! Now, GET TO POLITICAL RANTIN!


  1. ...I didnt work my ass off for over 30 years to pay for some lazy, fat, newport smoking, cheeto eatin, no job havin, welfare suckin assholes's insurance!!!

    Folks without jobs already get free health care at Provident or Cook County hospitals. What about those people who have lower-paying jobs and have a difficulty getting jobs?

    Health care should be a right and not a privilege. Is it not our duty to hep the less fortunate?


  2. Barack Obama has energized the Republican Party!

  3. Yep...the vote is in..time for changes around the whole country!!!Put the democrats out of their misery...lets start right here in Chicago.New mayor,new alderman,new count board president,new governor.Anywhere we need to get rid of underhanded dealings and get this city/state back to where it needs to be!!!They spoke of change a year ago...lets show them we can change,for the better good of the people.

  4. I wonder if the leftist Dems got the message yet?

  5. Healthcare is absolutely NOT a right, just like welfare and unemployment. These things are supposed to be safety nets for IF something goes wrong. If you have a low paying job and getting healthcare is difficult. Here are your options:
    1)stay healthy
    2)get a higher paying job
    3)if not qualified for a higher-paying job, get qualified, then get a different job
    4)get a 2nd job (GASP)
    5)get a job that provides heathcare.

    we should absolutely help those that are less fortunate but we can't let the poor run the country into the ground either. They also have to live with the choices they made and pull themselves up by their bootstraps. They can be anything they want to be. This is America.

  6. i agree with the chinese guy. oh he is so right.

  7. Lefty, No,it is not our duty to give handouts to the "less fortunate." It is our duty to provide a country in which they can choose to thrive and then rise or fall on their own merits. We have done that. The playing field in America, though not perfect, is the most level in the world and ALL have the opportunity to succed if they choose to embrace it.
    It is a shame that some choose to cling to a culture of victimhood instead of education,but that is their choice, and those of us who pulled ourselves up by the bootstraps shouldn't have to pay their way as well as our own.


  8. One small step for man, one giant leap to dump OBAMA. I have suffered enough from CHANGE.

  9. fuckin liberals are sooooo retarded! 57 states, right b hussein??? fuckin idiots!

  10. Is it just me, but ... aren't all the politicians that we're complaining about Democrates (AND IRISH)? We just have to stop voting for the Irish because they're Irish!

  11. FYI regarding the news about interest in a charter school for our area: CHARTER SCHOOLS ARE NON UNION!

  12. Where do we go for early voting?

  13. Dump all career politicians:

    The Madigans
    The entire County Board

  14. Yeah Lefty I love working my two f-ing jobs so that the democRATS have more of my tax dollars to spread around to the tax absorbing leaches you seem to be so fond of. Its time to vote'em all out.


  16. Mary Jo Kopeckne would have voted for Scott Brown, but Teddy Kennedy killed her.

  17. If Massachusetts can elect a Republican senator, it gives me hope for this state.


  18. Yeah, I love the moron who bitches about charter schools being nonunion....guess what? Union jobs are the ones that protect incompetence and laziness and fatasses. Like most of the idiots who live in the 60655 zip code.

  19. Anonymous said...
    Yeah, I love the moron who bitches about charter schools being nonunion....guess what? Union jobs are the ones that protect incompetence and laziness and fatasses. Like most of the idiots who live in the 60655 zip code.

    January 22, 2010 10:57 AM

    Michelle Obama is going to be hurt that you don't like people with fat asses!!!!!! Of course, she prefers the politically correct term "ghetto booty."

  20. If Dan Hynes looses, Tom and Dan will be out of power for the first time in almost 40 years!

    Go Pat Quinn!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Vote Republican for Governor in the fall!!!

  21. I beleive that most people want to our alderperson Ginger Rugai of the 19th ward a fair shake as she has done so much for us. look at 95th street and the Mt, Greenwood area of the city. also if one ever needs a favor for their son or daughter who wants a police or fire job and needs a extra push she is alaways there to cut the red tape and make it possible, dont bite the hand thats feeding you i alkaways say. thank you

  22. You must be one of those that is or has family who used Rugai to get you that job or promotion.Many of us don't have that kind of money that you need to DONATE to get that city job or promotion.Thats why people like her needed to be voted OUT of OFFICE!!!

  23. Anonymous said...

    I beleive that most people want to our alderperson Ginger Rugai of the 19th ward a fair shake as she has done so much for us. look at 95th street and the Mt, Greenwood area of the city. also if one ever needs a favor for their son or daughter who wants a police or fire job and needs a extra push she is alaways there to cut the red tape and make it possible, dont bite the hand thats feeding you i alkaways say. thank you
    January 25, 2010 7:24 PM

    Ginger has never done sh*t for me or anybody I know!

  24. Take a democratic ballot on tuesday and vote for every low in the polls loser, we don't want strong dem candidates in the general election. Send a message to these give away the store democRATS.
