Friday, January 8, 2010

PARKING METERS ON 111TH STREET??? Coming Soon to a street near you!!!


  1. Theres no link on the blog to send you info. Did you see this today?,010810salvationarmy.article

  2. Those businesses on 111th st., without a parking lot, already have trouble getting customers. This is another nail in the collin. All you folks in the 19th ward that have voted decade after decade for the Regular Democratic Organization are getting what you deserve.

    Look at the vote totals here election after election for Daley. The voters here are sheep.

  3. Suprised it took this long. Before you know it 111th will be a ghost town

  4. Oh my, that might impact our bustling, vibrant shopping district!

  5. Don't the merchants have it bad enough? The only time spots are at a premium, are when the Church or the bars are in operation.

  6. Rugai and her entire evil cabal have got to go!

  7. FUCKING RUGAI!!! This doesnt surprise me in the least bit! UN FUCKING REAL!!! And you know this shit is coming to the side streets... So if I have to pay for street parking what purpose does a city sticker serve??? FUCKING RUGAI!!!

  8. These are the jackeasses the citizens voted in. You don't like it, vote differently.

  9. OT: 42 Extra short-AKA Shortshanks- has ordered Dept Of Revenue to ticket all vehicles parked the wrong way on the street, parked too close to a driveway(owner's), and parked more than 9 inches from the curb. All done in Beverly and Mt. Greenwood by Dept. Of Revenue fucks who are telling the residents that they are Police Officers who work in 022. Suckhole Ald. Ginger Rugai ain"t doing SHIT about this. Shanks sold the parking meter shit so no revenue for the city from parking meter fees. Hey Shanks, send your police impersonators to Englewood or Gresham. Parking tickets to be issued for (1)2 plates required on vehicle. (2) No smoked windows. (3) Expired state decal on plates. (4)City sticker required. (5)Cracked windshield. (6) Brake lights-cover-required. (7)Side mirror and rearview mirror required. Write these fucking tickets in these areas. Every other vehicle could be ticketed. But Shortshanks is afraid of the play revs bitching and he knows these tickets won't be paid. FUCK YOU SHANKS AND GINGER! GINGER PLEADS NO KNOWLEDGE. REMEMBER HER AND HER SUCKHOLES AT ELECTION TIME. SOMMERVILLE-RUN AGAIN AND YOU'LL WIN!!!!!!!!! By the way 016th District is next to get hammered with these bullshit tickets. Just check the box to help pay your neighbor's gas bill on your next statement from People's Gas!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. I am scared. Our economy is screwed. We don't manufacture any more. Everything we do in the economy is service-based. The Dems say the green economy is our future, but lets face it. Even if we take the lead in producing solar panels, etc., within a few years those jobs will go overseas to a cheaper labor force. Then where will that leave us? Our trade deficit will continue to grow.
    I am thinking that some protection such as tariffs may help, though that can start up a trade war with other countries (though maybe we need one).
    We are growing more government jobs on every level every year with no way to pay for them but deficit spending. I think we need to cut many entitlement programs instead of expanding them, and trim down the government.
    I know that I will take heat for this next one, but SOME unions are out of control (such as some of the UAW benefits) and need to be brought back down a bit. To go along with that, executive salaries and bonuses need to be curtailed. These things can lower prices on domestic-made products and make us more competetive with other countries.
    My last rant is that the argument was always that illegal aliens did jobs that Americans didn't want to do. Well, at unemployment over 10%, I think that there are many Americans willing to take those jobs. Get rid of the illegals and take care of our people. To marry this up with the last paragraph, there are many illegals in the trade unions. They are taking union jobs from Americans. This shouldn't happen.
    I am a blue-collar guy and don't know the answers, so if someone with a financial background can tell me that we are doing something right I would feel alot better.


  11. Boss, watch and see, now everyone on the side-streets around 111 st. will have to have a parking permit on their cars, so the shoppers on 111 st. won't be able to park on the side streets and walk to a neighborhood store.. Get rid of ALL these F-n Democrats already, or don't complain anymore when they constantly rob you in Taxes and Fees, while givin your tax-dollars away to deadbeats to buy their Votes with...

  12. Dept. of Revenue is ALL OVER Mt. Greenwood and West Beverly, and we demand proof Ms. Rugai, that ALL neighborhoods of the City are being Equally Enforced by the Tax-Collectors..

  13. The Dept of Revenue clowns are Daley's Brown Shirts that I've been talking about all last summer.

    They leave the dougnut shop in pairs of 2 around 9:30AM and ride up and down the 19th ward behind the street sweepers.

    Next will be in 2011, if business don't support Daley in the election they will come out to your business and break your windows like Kristallnacht in Berlin 1938.

    On another the glass on redlight cams bullet proof? Or can you get flouric acids rounds for a paint ball gun?

  14. got a ticket yesterday from some pimp for expired plates. Nobody's fault but mine though. Had the sticker, just forgot to put it on. It just seems they could make more money punishing the real deadbeats than pounding on legit taxpayers. Still can't believe I did that.

  15. Here's the answer in a nutshell:
    1. Finish wall/fence on Mexican border
    2. Give notice "illegals have six months to leave or be incarcerated awaiting deportation, which will take a log time"
    3. Give notice "in six months, welfare for anyone NOT physically or mentally disabled will cut off" (allowances of some sort will have to be made for single parent homes)
    4. Employers have 6 months to register all those vacated jobs, without penalty
    5. Welfare recipients will be directed towards those jobs.

    This should solve about 90% of our problems. No more handouts. People get jobs. Tax base increases dramatically. Self-esteem and work ethic improves in the black/poor community. Tensions ease over issues regarding race and the economy. America will be number one again.

  16. I just read the article about The Salvation Army. To be honest....I'm glad Rugai and the rest of the politicians didn't have a say it what goes there. A community center? Yeah right....all the shines from surrounding areas were already taking over the gym and stealing our kids cell phones and Ipods while they were there. Besides, I think the people that live on the block should be the ones to consider here.


    Check out this news.....

  18. I heard the city side streets will have meters as well..

  19. Whooptie-fuckin-Doo, now we're just like every other neighborhood has been for 20 years. Great Job, Alder-Skank...

  20. If they put parking meters in front of my Mt. Greenwood business, my business is moving the next morning. Bet on it.

  21. I'm surprised they haven't hit Western Avenue with the parking monsters


  23. get out the vote...elect some new people in to straighten out this mess!!!...or are they going to be just like the rest??

  24. it really is time to get serious about the Republican party.
