Saturday, October 31, 2009

Welcome Fellow Mt. Greenwooders!

Welcome to the new and IMPROVED MTG blogspot. We will do our best to keep you informed of going ons around and in 60655! Please use this blog to disseminate information, discuss local topics, praise and/or criticize local businesses, same for politicians in the area, bring up public safety concerns and even to kick around some local gossip! The purpose of this blog is to take the reigns from In and Around and continue what was a great source of community information. We enjoyed In and Around and since its collapse have felt it was important for the neighborhood to keep this information going... Thanks, in and Around, we hope we make you proud! We will be allowing most thoughts to be posted, whether we agree or disagree. ... Of course, we ask that our readers exercise some discretion; keep the profanity to a minimum, refrain from using individual names and addresses, and we will only censor when deemed absolutely appropriate! Facts will be checked and out and out lies will be deleted, but other than that, my friends... GET TO BLOGGIN! We look forward to your comments! The site is currently under construction, but bear with us and we should have all the kinks worked out very soon! Again, WELCOME to our blog, we will leave it an open post for the time being!