Saturday, March 20, 2010


1942-2010 thanks for the support. Services will be small and private.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Densey Cole contest

I hope you dont mind if I put something on here that touches my heart. Please copy and paste the link above. PLEASE go here and vote for Densey! Email this link and get friends, family, whoever you can, it is a cause worth fighting for! Thank you... Amanda

Thursday, February 18, 2010

"Boss" not doing well

Hi everyone...My name is Amanda and my father runs the blog here. Unfortunately, "boss" as you know him as had to be taken to the hospital early this morning and is in the ICU at Christ. I will spare you the details but looks like he will be in there for some time. We have been in and out all day and one of the things he wanted me to do was make sure you all knew he wasnt abandoning you. In fact, he is going in for surgery tomorrow morning and once he is well enough I will be bringing him a lap top to touch base. Hope I got the picture thing right, he said no one will read it unless there is a picture (he would have surely wanted something a little more offensive but I had to draw the line). So thanks for understanding, your prayers are appreciated and I will update you all whenever I get a chance. thank you. Amanda

UPDATE: Surgery postponed. Several tests run today, all very inconclusive. Dad is in and out, pretty medicated up but makes good sense for alot of the day. Still in good spirits, but just not himself. Docs here have been wonderful, but looks like they are gonna transfer him tomorrow (or is it today?? I dunno; everything is just running together!) Either to U of C, Loyola or Northwestern, still waiting on his insurance to call back. Looks like he is bound for a specialist, and then surgery but not until after the tests come back with some news, good bad or other. Thanks for all the prayers and kind words. Ill update you as I get a chance. Dad says thanks to all. What a nightmare. In his words "OPEN POST---NOW GET TO BLOGGIN!"

UPDATE: Moved to a great facility. Surgery tomorrow. Tests basically showed what they suspected. Gonna be a long, tedious procedure...said he may be under upto 14 hours... another sleepless night here... Thanks again, everyone... Ill let ya know the outcome.

UPDATE: More surgery.not really sure how this is going to end up. Already had 2 surgeries, more tomorrow and more questions than answers. your prayers are appreciated
UPDATE: Dad is out of surgery and the prognosis is pretty good the docs are saying. Still not awake yet, but we are keeping fingers crossed. Thanks again for all the support. I will let him fill you all in when he is up and at em. I have my lap top in his room so as soon as he is strong enough Im sure he will be updating all his 60655 family!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


9500 S. Winchester Ave.
Chicago, IL, 60643

The Chicago Police Department has reported that a man attempted to lure a 13-year-old girl into his car near 95th Street and Winchester Avenue.

Police described the man, as 30 to 40 years old and driving a rusty white, older-model, four-door hatchback with a wide black stripe down the sides. Police said a baby seat was in the back passenger seat of the car.

Lets keep an eye out just in case this jag-bag starts moving our way.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Over 10,000 Views For AroundandIn60655!!!!!!!

Well Folks, I never in my wildest imagination that I, The Boss would be taking over a blog that would reach this 10,000 mark. Now I finally have a GOOD reason to pour me a glass or five of my favorite scotch, and light my favorite Cuban. We hit a rough patch for a while when I said "Fuck It"...but we stuck with it and I'm glad we did. Thank you to all the loyal readers/followers out there. Remember people, this blog is to benefit the residents of 60655. I'm half in the bag for most of the day and I can't find out everything that is going on in 60655. So if you have a story/gossip/complaint/neighborhood me your story and I will post it. Question of the week...Who is your favorite Daisy Duke Girl??? Now, LETS GET TO BLOGGIN!!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


really? an "entrepeneur"??? 9 kids at 25 years old??? Yeah, but my "racist attitude" is the problem... Hey, left, EAT THIS!!! Can anyone attest that this is NOT a rare occurrence? Any of our blue following care to jump in on this one? Anyone that has actually worked with the mutt that can lend a funny story here? open post for silly ghetto sarcasm here... lets let em rip!!! NOW GET TO RIPPIN!!!!

Who Really Gives a Rats Ass?

I am so sick and tired of the "dooms day" CTA scenarios! I am just as sick and tired of my taxes being raised for city services that actually SHOULD be cut! And even more, I am sick and tired of this Mayor bullying and thumping his chest to get his way all the god damn time! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! We all know the threats of service cuts were just threats to extort money from the taxpayers...and it worked for years. Problem is now, we the people have called the City to task and they actually had to put cuts into effect. And look what happened. Nothing. Nada. The City is still here, no one is dead, and everything is just fine! Maybe, just maybe the CTA was a bit out of control! I believe everything happens for a reason, and I think the CTA needs to be taken down a notch. First and foremost, how top heavy is this organization? You know there are at least 40 or more upper management making a hell of alot more money than they should. Hell, to me transit is pretty simple and pretty much runs itself once you get it up and running. So to the unions I say keep up the good work! When times are good do you see the City coming at you with new contract proposals? HELL NO! In fact, maybe a threatened strike is what they need! London did it several times. Locked the city up real good. Guess who are the highest paid city workers in London? Train and bus drivers! The only fair thing to do is fare increases. Why should someone who never steps foot on a bus or train be put on the hook? Make willie brown pay for something for a change! You want to ride less crowded buses? Pony up Will! You want to wait 8 minutes less? Pony up, Will! I think everything is running quite smoothly with the CTA and we are no where near "doomsday". At one point today I saw 6 buses at one busy intersection, 2 of them half filled at rush hour! So stay strong, CTA employees, in the end, YOU HAVE THE UPPER HAND!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Colts Dat!


personally I hope it isnt even that close! But what I do care about is finally the scum sucking media can stop with the "feel good Saints story" that has been rammed down our throats for the entire damn season! Yeah yeah hoo... I say Hurricane Katrins... GOD TRIED! I went to that god forsaken city years ago and vowed never to go back! What a shit hole! Crime, sex, booze flowing like booze should not flow, bumbs on every corner AND THIS WAS BEFORE KATRINA! (I know I enjoy an occassional scotch but lord!) Just the epitome of gluttony! New Orleans was a dump before Katrina, and will forever be a dump! And anything the liberal media is for, I am 100% against! I even heard that the Saints would have won it all 3 years ago but George Bush somehow got in the way! Well anyways, go Colts! SCREW NEW ORLEANS!


Friday, February 5, 2010


New CPS logo

From the local rags--
Chicago Public Schools is offering $10 million over two years to fund mentorship programs for 3,000 of the district's most at-risk students, the latest component of an anti-violence plan meant to stem shootings among city high schoolers.
The district is seeking proposals from organizations to work in 12 neighborhoods across the city, and will disburse funds based on a variety of factors including a group's expertise, capacity and ability to track data like attendance, grades and in-school behavior.

So let me get this straight... CPS took over $30 million last year to help these mutts, and NOW THEY ARE TAKING ANOTHER $10 MILLION??? And all for what? So some hood rat savage trouble maker can get more free lunches, more free clothing, more free enerything? When will this vicious cycle end? Is this not doing more to enable these losers than it is to actually help them? Why should our hard earned tax dollars go to thses assholes? As off the wall and as much a pain in my ass as little Tommy is, he is not even close to being at a point of needing a Chicago government bailout! Thats what this is, THE GREAT CHICAGO PARENTAL BAIL OUT! Instead of minding your own kids, instead of raising your own kids, instead of disciplining your own kids FUCK IT! CPS has become a branch of government within itself! It answers to no one, it needs no approval, it can raise taxes with the stroke of a pen, has ZERO transparency, ZERO accountability, and is a FAILURE OF MASS PROPORTIONS! And that is not my opinion, folks, that is supported my the numbers. When I was a kid, you behaved because if you didnt, you ended up on the receiving end of a ass kicking... and if not at the hands of your parents, then the teachers, the priest or the local beat cop. And THATS why you behaved! Our idea of the bad seed was the kid who was held back a year, skipped gym class to smoke a pall mall, and snuck out at night. When we had a beef with someone, we had a good old fashion donnybrook and that was that. No one else got involved, no one else was on the hook for higher taxes, etc etc... Now, we enter willie b brown... willie b brown junior acts a fool and gets an ass whoopin and the parent is lookin to sue someone! No accountability, no discipline, never the shit head kids fault, always someone elses fault! And we, as a community, have to bear this cross... and to that, I say BULL SHIT!!! Call me racist, call me right wing nut, call me what you will, but to that I say truth hurts, dont it!? So, now, GET TO VENTIN!!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Stroger Defeated!

Finally the people have voted this idiot out of office! So Preckwinkle is all but in as head of this god forsaken county... Problem is I dont know how much better off we are! Kirk also won the republican primary so we should see a good fight for b hussein's old senate seat... Now it wont have the same wind-out-of-their-sails effect as the miracle in massachussets, but how great would it be to see the President's old senate seat go to a republican 1 year after he left??? Well November is 9 months away and one thing for sure is this old coot is already tired of those damn commercials! Time to turn off the tube and hit the scotch! Political open post for now!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Time To Rise Up!!!

Keller in dark blue, national average in light blue, rest of shitty, I mean City magnet schools in gray...

now read this...,012810kadner.article

So we have a school that actually works, and Da Mayor and all his henchmen are hatching up a plan to move it away from here. My guess is that our beloved Keller school is destined for a place with a little more diversity. A place where literally millions upon millions of dollars have been sent and the problem still is not corrected. A place where "schools" have been renamed "career academy" and discredited in an attempt to make CPS look more successful than it really is. A place where de-enrollment is a standard practice on the first day so Da Mayor can boast a "95% first day attendance" for the purpose of state funding (anyone else find it odd that CPS had traditionally less than 60% first day attendance, and then miraculously it went to the high 90s???). A place where students get PAID for good grades because the idea of pride, college, a career, advancement, retirement, and a long fruitful life just arent enough motivation! A place that begs the question, maybe it's the indian, and not the arrow!

Seems like Rugai is flip flopping on this, and refuses to answer up to what is becoming more and more imminent...That Keller School is going to be shut down and relocated. I guess we are essentially being punished for being successful and there is nothing anyone can say or do without the fear of being labeled a racist! I can tell you this...Daley, Duncan, Rugai WHOEVER can put all the schools, all the resources, all the teachers in certain areas of this city and guess what? THE STUDENTS WILL CONTINUE TO KILL EACH OTHER! I for one do not mind my taxes being raised to improve the schools like Keller. But when Huberman and Da Mayor raise my taxes to the tune of over $30 million to identify and intervene with the "most at risk students in our city" yet want to close down schools like Keller well that makes me just besides myself! That is what the police are for!

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH PEOPLE! It is time to get off our asses and say NO!!! Call Rugai, call Da Mayor, call Huberman, call your friends, neighbors, fellow parents and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! Just because our students actually succeed and find other hobbies than killing each other does not mean they are second class to ANYONE in this city! Imagine the uproar IF there were a successful school in Englewood, or Garfield Park, or Austin and they wanted to close the doors and move it here! Imagine if they had successful students and the city was going to make them travel into dangerous communities to attend their school! (look no farther than the Fenger fiasco...and those were gang banger kids that couldnt get into the Carver military school in their neighborhood!) The fake reverends would be all over the place! Well, people, it is time for us to step up! It is time for us to flood the alderman's office, the school boards office, the Mayors office everyone with phone calls DEMANDING our Keller school be let alone! Instead of looking to shut us down, maybe the powers should use us as an example!!! Now, GET TO DOIN WHATEVER WE NEED TO DO TO SAVE KELLER!!!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Open Post People...Now, GET TO BLOGGIN!!!

This damn kid could pass for my grandson Tommy's twin! Just thought you people might want some sort of visual of the kid who terrorizes me on a daily basis. Take a guess who I get all weekend, AGAIN???

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Mr. President???

It has such a nice ring to it! And what a message our conservative brothers in the most liberal state in the union have sent to this lame duck President! Hell, if the liberals cannot win in Massachusetts, where in the hell can they win? Ted "the liberal lion" Kennedy is looking up in a place that's really REALLY cold right now and wondering what the hell went wrong... Well, Teddy, it's a little thing called KARMA! Looks like people are going to actually have to work and pay for their own god damn health insurance rather than sticking their hand out and expecting ME to pay for it! I didnt work my ass off for over 30 years to pay for some lazy, fat, newport smoking, cheeto eatin, no job havin, welfare suckin assholes's insurance!!! I usually dont get much riled up about national politics, but this has me goin good! Im happy as a democrat in the unemployment line! God speed, SENATOR Brown! Now, GET TO POLITICAL RANTIN!

Monday, January 18, 2010


Many people have been reporting house/garage break-ins along with other crimes that are occuring in our neighborhood. If you have a bonafide story (I will be checking with my friend in the D unit) about a crime that happened in our neighborhood post it here. Lets see if we can catch these sons a bitches!!! Remember folks, If we don't hear about it, then we can't watch out for it. Now, GET TO NEIGHBORHOOD WATCHIN!!!